Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Procrasti-baking, Pt. 1

I have a list of things I ought to be doing / have done today. Certainly, none of them got done yesterday. And yet, to be honest, the only things I wanted to do today were on this list:
1. Dance, dance.
2. Turn in circles.
3. Cook cook cook.

Despite this procrastination, I've been thinking a lot about the word (and concept) of intentionality. Maybe it was thinking back to yoga, maybe it was something Ra said. In any case, I'm interested in thinking about how I can be more intentional in my actions. Sa might say "mindful," but that doesn't imply the forward thrust of intentionality. Kundera might say the "es muss sein," though that's a bit more meta than I'm going for.

This attention to the directed meaning in action is something I want to work on. Sometimes, you don't need to flirt with the guy in eyeliner just because you can. Sometimes, you don't have the presence, mindfulness, intention to realize that it's not something you want at all. So I'm working. Sometimes, this involves making lists and crossing things off. Sometimes it involves sitting really still. Today, it just took a moment of clarity in the middle of a completely unrelated (but no less enjoyable) conversation. I've decided to take time out of my night and *intentionally* bake.

I tweaked some recipes, combed my cabinets, and ended up with dark chocolate pistachio biscotti. They're going in gift bags tomorrow as a big THANK YOU to Beth and Rebecca.

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