Thursday, September 30, 2010


As promised, today was a day for cooking. Please see the recipes page for new and exciting updates. Furthermore, as a friend totally called me out on this, I will include the recipe for curry powder. I owe much thanks for it to Hossam's wife's dad's... uncle? Something like that.

I've been wondering lately, why does someone who likes food so much eat it so fast? I used to laugh at adults who said, "Now take a small bite, and chew 20 times before swallowing." Doesn't it just start to taste... well, tasteless, by that point? That being said, however, I have a great respect for the European culture of sitting and lingering for hours over a meal. This was my experience at a cute little restaurant in Divonnes-les-Bains:
  • Salmon terrine in cream sauce with leeks
  • Roast chicken with gratin dauphinois and summer vegetables
  • Cheese plate
  • Creme brulee
It didn't end up being all that much, in the end, but the food, the conversation, and the atmosphere certainly left me feeling pleasantly full :)

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